Samstag, 19. Juli 2008
Endlich bewohnt!!
christiane_w79, 23:30h
Jetzt kann man (oder frau) endlich meine Wohnung betreten, ohne dass einem gleich schlecht wird...Aber in echt sieht's irgendwie besser auf als auf'm Foto. Also, alle selber vorbeikommen und überzeugen! ;o)

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Donnerstag, 24. Juli 2008, 22:42
Looking good babe! Thanks for the card from Berlin. When were you there? I was planning a trip there but am going to Brussels instead with Sonja and AC. Just one night 25-26 August. BTW: Really looking forward to a week in the sun in October :-)
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Freitag, 25. Juli 2008, 19:50
Enjoy your weekend break!!! I'm looking forward to our relax and sunshine holiday, too!!! What do you think of going to the Algarve in South Portugal? Should still be hot enough there in October and I personally have never been to Portugal...the prices for flights (from Schiphol) and hotel are around 500 €.
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