Sonntag, 2. November 2008
I found my iPod!
christiane_w79, 19:46h

It was right next to my mobile phone... ;o)
And guess what - it's PINK!!
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Dienstag, 4. November 2008, 21:47
Hahahaha!! So you got a new one! Pink is THE best colour in the world :-)
Enjoy it.
And what is next? A pink mobile?? Don't know how you can manage without one...
Enjoy it.
And what is next? A pink mobile?? Don't know how you can manage without one...
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Dienstag, 4. November 2008, 21:53
By the way.... Both Keith and Mick are up for a European city break this summer if the tour goes out to Europe.. (from that other boyband!)
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