Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2009
Erst 17 Wochen alt...
christiane_w79, 21:43h
...und macht sich schon langsam breit... ;o)

Das witzige dabei ist, durch das ganze gesunde Grünzeug, das ich jetzt esse, nehm ich trotzdem noch ab...aber das wird sich sicher bald ändern.

Das witzige dabei ist, durch das ganze gesunde Grünzeug, das ich jetzt esse, nehm ich trotzdem noch ab...aber das wird sich sicher bald ändern.
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Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2009, 02:25
Wow you've grown sooooo much since I last saw you!!
Well, it was bound to happen!
I can still tell you've lost weight too.. Lucky thing ;-)
Well, it was bound to happen!
I can still tell you've lost weight too.. Lucky thing ;-)
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Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2009, 14:39
I'm sorry but have to laugh about your Cool Person of the month..
He sure is cool!!! I reckon he's still in a fridge somewhere waiting to be buried. Pretty cool indeed in that fridge ;-)
He sure is cool!!! I reckon he's still in a fridge somewhere waiting to be buried. Pretty cool indeed in that fridge ;-)
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Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2009, 16:27
Sorryyy....LOL, but that is just sooo funny!!! I was laughing out loud reading your comment...He is indeed very cool indeed!! ;o))
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Montag, 20. Juli 2009, 23:55
I've requested week 44 off so I think I will be in Kiel then. Unless you are still in Erlangen.. I'll find you ;-)
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Dienstag, 21. Juli 2009, 13:31
I should be in Kiel by then, if everything goes according to plan with the move and everything...
Yeah...Heinrich - here we come!! ;o)
Yeah...Heinrich - here we come!! ;o)
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